U.S. Bureau of Land Management | Assessment, Inventory and Monitoring Module

Project Summary
Digital Data Services, Inc. (DDS) was contracted by the Bureau of Land Management National Operations Center to create an internal Geocortex site to allow BLM staff to perform complex analysis supporting the BLM Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) program.

The goal of the AIM program is to provide a standardized monitoring strategy and data for assessing natural resource conditions and trends on BLM-managed BLM public lands.

The custom tools allow BLM staff to manage, view, and analyze sites by ecological health indicators. In addition, DDS developed advanced reports to aggregate site statistics to assist BLM staff in guiding and justifying policy actions, land uses, and adaptive management decisions.


Internal Geocortex site with Geocortex Workflows and Reports for the BLM NOC Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring Program.

Industries & Services
DDS Customer_BLM