About Digital Data Services, Inc.

Established in 1998, Digital Data Services, Inc. (DDS) is a GIS consulting firm that utilizes Esri’s ArcGIS Platform’s power to provide state-of-the-art desktop and web GIS solutions. Critical business decisions often require careful analysis of massive amounts of structured and unstructured data and developing solutions that allow any level of user access said information. A company’s value depends on how well key personnel can interpret and utilize their information assets. As Geographic Information Systems (GIS) specialists, DDS provides quality, custom-designed GIS solutions that ensure your business accurately captures, stores, analyzes, and presents your information assets to both the layman and the expert.

DDS is an Esri Silver Business Partner and a VertiGIS Studio Implementation Consultant with a broad knowledge of Esri’s powerful desktop and web GIS solutions. Our staff provides a comprehensive knowledge base in data, cartography, CAD, GIS, graphic design, and application development. Every one of our team members has a passion for perfection, and this is reflected not only in the work we perform but in how we support our clients, even after the project is complete.


Our mission is to serve our clients by ensuring that they have easy access to and effectively leverage their geospatial data. This is performed through utilizing the Esri product suite, developing desktop and web GIS solutions to simplify interaction with geospatial data by all organizational users, and through our data conversion and management services.

Esri Partner logo
ArcGIS Marketplace Provider
ArcGIS System Ready
U.S. Federal Government Purchases

Contract Number:  GS-35F-0091S
Contract Period: 11/28/2005 – 11/27/2025
Contractor:  Digital Data Services, Inc.

Contract Administrator: 

Dave Carter, Principal
200 Union Blvd., Ste. 200
Lakewood, CO 80228
Phone:  303-986-6740
Fax:  720-962-8235

Business Size:  Self-Certified Small Business
Maximum Order:  $500,000
Minimum Order:  $150
DUNS:  08-978-9908

 Classification Hourly Rate
 Principal $205
Project Manager 2 $190
Project Manager 1 $155
GIS Analyst 3 $150
GIS Analyst 2 $120
GIS Analyst 1 $100
GIS Technician $80
Application Developer 3 $180
Application Developer 2 $150
Application Developer 1 $110
Consultant 3 $195
Consultant 2 $165
Consultant 1 $120
Administrative Support Services $55
Expenses are billed at cost. Mileage is billed according to IRS Standard Mileage Rates.

Key Personnel


Principal - Director of Geospatial Solutions

Mr. Carter has over 20 years of information technology experience with special emphasis on software development, databases, and Geographic Information Systems. Contributes technical expertise to optimize computer use, improve production techniques, creation of GIS systems, production of GIS projects, and implementation other technology solutions. Other capacities include production management, GIS consulting, and Government procurement specialist.

Software skills: ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Server, ArcSDE, AutoCAD, Geocortex Essentials, Geocortex HTML5, GeoKettle, GeoServer, Global Mapper, FME Desktop (Safe Software), MapInfo, MapServer, Python, QGIS, Visual Studio, X Tools Pro


Principal - Project Manager

Mr. Neer is a cartographer with over 18 years of project experience integrating Geographic Information Systems for a variety of industries. He leverages this knowledge to analyze and present spatial concepts and relationships for a variety of media. Mr. Neer’s experience spans support and implementation for land planning, resource planning, business, oil and gas, communication, electric (coal, wind, solar, transmission), NEPA, and federal, state, and local government projects.

Software skills: Adobe Creative Suite, ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Server, Geocortex Essentials, Global Mapper, Microsoft Office, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL / PostGIS, Python, QGIS, Visual Studio



Mr. Freeman has been with Digital Data Services since October 2000. His main duties include project management, GIS and AutoCAD related projects. Projects have included civil, environmental, architectural, graphical, and mechanical applications for state, federal, county, city agencies, private companies and individuals. Some of the companies that Mr. Freeman has completed projects for include the United States Geological Survey, United States Forest Service, the National Park Service, and the Bureau of Land Management.

Software skills: ArcGIS Desktop, AutoCAD, Geocortex Essentials, Global Mapper, CorelDraw, MapInfo, MicroStation



Mr. Robison is a geospatial application developer at Digital Data Services, Inc., (DDS). He has a bachelor’s degree in geography with an emphasis in GIS, and brings experience in web design, software development, and GIS management. Mr. Robison has implemented web solutions for oil and gas, retail, and local government projects. Zack is versed in many programming languages including CSS3, HTML5, FLEX, JavaScript (jQuery, Dojo, JSON), Python, SQL, and XML.

Software skills: Adobe Create Suite, ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Server, ENVI, ERDAS Imagine, Geocortex Essentials, GIMP, Global Mapper, Microsoft Office, QGIS, SPSS, Visual Studio



Mr. Skull is a senior application developer, who joined Digital Data Services, Inc. (DDS) in 2015. He has a bachelor’s of science in computer science and mathematics. Mr. Skull is highly proficient in C#, C++, C, Java, Python, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, and XML languages; .NET, Win32 SDK, and WPF libraries. He has written several custom modules, dll’s, and workflows for use within the Geocortex framework to enhance the system’s functionality and end user experience.

Software skills: Eclipse, Geocortex Essentials, GitHub, Visual Studio