DDS offers quick, accurate, and affordable ECBDIC file conversion services- with experience you can trust!
If your company has obtained EBCDIC formatted digital data from the Texas Railroad Commission, and is not sure on how to convert the data into GIS files, database files, or simple ASCII text delimited files, then DDS has the solution for you. DDS offers the service of converting the Texas Railroad Commission EBCDIC formatted Oil & Gas Datasets into formats that you can use.
This service includes the conversion of any or all of the following EBCDIC formatted files supplied by the Texas Railroad Commission:
Drilling Permit Data
Oil & Gas Field Data
Oil & Gas Production Data
Oil & Gas Regulation Data
Oil & Gas Well Data
Pipeline Data
Pricing starts at just $250. Because of the complexity of the dataset, we will need to discuss which information that you are requesting from each EBCDIC file and the delivered format. Please submit the "Get a Quote" form for pricing information.
AcGIS (Coverages, Shapefiles, GeoDatabase, etc.)
Access .dbf
AutoCAD (.dwg)
Drawing Exchange File (.dxf)