Quad Graphics | Automated Location Marketing Map Inserts
Quad Graphics is a leading marketing solutions provider providing various marketing strategies to their clients.
Case studies highlighting DDS services for a wide variety of customers.
Quad Graphics is a leading marketing solutions provider providing various marketing strategies to their clients.
DDS has assisted the Colorado Department of Natural Resources with several ArcGIS Enterprise migrations between various server environments.
Digital Data Services, Inc. (DDS) subcontracted with Deloitte to migrate Central Maine Power’s Outage Management System (OMS) from a custom Microsoft Silverlight application and integrate it into Schneider Electric’s ArcFM Web application and ArcGIS Enterprise.
Outrigger Energy is a full-service midstream energy company that operates in the mid-continent areas. DDS developed and maintains a web GIS solution for Outrigger’s oil and gas infrastructure, allowing for easy visualization and management of their current plays.
DDS provides on-going ArcGIS Enterprise and VertiGIS Studio design, implementation, development, and technical support services to Pitkin County in support of their enterprise GIS.
DDS implemented a global Enterprise Land Management System with ArcGIS Enterprise and Geocortex Essentials. DDS assisted Rio Tinto land managers.
DDS provides on-call ArcGIS consulting and support services to the Central City to support their Community Development Department since 2016.
DDS subcontracted to Matrix Design Group on the City of Colorado (COS) Stormwater Infrastructure Master Plan (SIMP) project. DDS worked with Matrix Design Group and the City’s Public Works to develop a solution for managing stormwater capital improvement projects (CIP), which integrates ArcGIS Enterprise and Cartegraph Asset Management utilizing VertiGIS Studio.
Digital Data Services (DDS) was contracted by System of the Future in 2014 to assist in aligning The Coca-Cola Company’s (Coca-Cola) written non-spatial Coca-Cola Refreshments (CCR) contractual territories into spatial datasets.